Doktor Ilmu Teknik
Prof. Dr. Ir. Husni Husin, MT
Bidang Ilmu : Nanomaterial for Clean Energy production (Photocatalytic, Solar cell, Biodiesel, Biofuel, Fuel Cell), Heterogeneous Catalyst and Application, Adsorbent and Application
Prof. Dr. Ir. Samsul Rizal, M.Eng, IPU
Bidang Ilmu : Fracture mechanics, computational mechanics, and damage mechanism of a composite structure.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Syuhada, M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : The field of heat transfer science and fluid mechanics
Prof. Dr. Ir. Medyan Riza, M.Eng
Bidang Ilmu : Chemical Engineering Operation, and Polymer Technology
Prof. Dr. Ir. Yuwaldi Away, M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : Computer Science, microprocessor-based systems, simulation, automation, and optimization
Prof. Dr. Ir. Husaini, M.T
Bidang Ilmu : Strength of Materials, Fracture Mechanics, Computational and Experimental, and Failure Analysis
Prof. Dr. Ir. Munirwansyah, M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : geotechnical disaster prevention, sub-structure earthquake design, shallow and deep foundation design, Landslide, and Story Index
Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurdin Ali, Dipl.Ing
Bidang Ilmu : Metallurgy and Engineering Materials
Prof. Dr. Ir. Khairil, M.T.
Bidang Ilmu : Thermal energy, especially coal and/or biomass combustion
Doktor Ilmu Pertanian
Prof. Dr. Ir. Rina Sriwati, M.Si.
Bidang Ilmu : Bioscience & Plant Disease Biotechnology
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Humam Hamid, MA
Bidang Ilmu : Agriculture Sociology
Prof. Dr. Ir. Lukman Hakim, M.S.
Bidang Ilmu : Plant Protection
Prof. Dr. Ir. Darusman, M.Sc.
Bidang Ilmu : Agricultural Irrigation & Land Management
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sufardi, M.S.
Bidang Ilmu : Soil Chemistry & Plant Nutrition
Prof. Dr. Ir. Abubakar Karim, M.S.
Bidang Ilmu : Land Evaluation & Regional Planning
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sabaruddin, M.Agr.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : Agronomy & Plant Production
Prof. Dr.nat.techn. Syafruddin, SP., M.P.
Bidang Ilmu : Agriculture Biotechnology
Prof. Dr. Ir. Eka Meutia Sari, M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : Genetic & Animal Breeding Technology
Doktor Matematika dan Aplikasi Sains
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Rinaldi Idroes, S.Si
Bidang Ilmu : Development of retention data within various chromatography systems such as gases, liquids (planar and column system) and supercritical fluids as well.
Prof. Dr. drh. Darmawi, M.Si
Bidang Ilmu : Veterinary science, particularly host immunity and microbe parasite interrelationship.
Prof. Dr. Muchlisin Z.A. S.Pi, M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu :Agricultural Science, Aquaculture, Animal Science, Ichthyology, Fisheries Management.
Prof. Dr. Adlim, M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : Inorganic chemistry, chemistry education, experienced in developing teaching module for chemistry with STEM, Inquiry & active learning approach.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Syamsul Rizal
Bidang Ilmu : Applied mathematics in ocean modeling both analytical and numerical model, Physical Oceanography, Hydrodynamics, Ocean Modeling
Prof. Dr. drh. Tongku nizwan Siregar, M.P
Bidang Ilmu : Reproductive Biology, Reproductive Endocrinology, Estrus Synchronization, Assisted Reproductive Technology
Prof. Dr. drh. Yudha Fahrimal, M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : Veterinary & Animal Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ir. Darusman, M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : Drip line irrigation for crops and physical properties of soil, land remediation as well as climate changes affecting crop lands
Prof. Dr. Ir. Samadi, M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : Animal Nutrition, Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ir. Yuwaldi Away, M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : Computer Science, Microprocessor Based System
Prof. Dr. Syahrun Nur, S.Si.,M.Sc
Bidang Ilmu : Performing fundamental studies on Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy and its applications to several areas such as real-time monitoring of processed material, quality control of pharmaceutical materials
Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhendrayatna, M.Eng
Bidang Ilmu : Chemical and Enviromental Engineering
Prof. Dr. Nurdin, M.Si
Bidang Ilmu : The chemical field of natural materials, primarily in the alkaloids secondary metabolites and their relation to their bioactivity
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hajjul Kamil, S.Kp, M.Kep
Bidang Ilmu : Management of nursing, quality of health care / nursing, patients’ safety and transcultural nursing
Assoc. Prof. Dr. drh. Muhammad Hambal
Bidang Ilmu : Parasitology and Epidemiology Veteriner
Prof. Dr. Khairul Munadi, ST, M.Eng
Bidang Ilmu : signal, image & multimedia information processing, application of ICT for disaster risk reduction (DRR), and knowledge management for DRR
Prof. Dr. Eng. Nasrullah, S.Si.,M.T
Bidang Ilmu : Mechanistic and experimental studies on laser-induced plasma,also widely known as laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), and its applications to various fields including spectrochemical analysis and laser material processing
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Syukri, S.Si.,M.T
Bidang Ilmu : Applied and environmental geophysics. He is a member of the Indonesian Geophysics Association (IGA) and Indonesian Physics Association (IPA).
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muliadi Ramli, S.Si., M.Si
Bidang Ilmu : Preparation and modification of Inorganic Materials applied for heterogeneous catalyst reaction and renewable energy, including research topic to the application of laser induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS) for materials characterization and proccessing
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Subianto, S.Si, M.Si
Bidang Ilmu : Applied statistics, statistical computing and data mining. I am is also interested in development of statistical learning with R
Doktor Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
Prof. Dr. Murniati AR, M.Pd
Bidang Ilmu : Administrasi Pendidikan
Prof. Dr. Rusli Yusuf, M.Pd.
Bidang Ilmu : Pendidikan Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup(PKLH) / Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Lingkungan
Prof. Dr Yusrizal, M.Pd
Bidang Ilmu : Evaluasi Pendidikan
Prof.Dr. Said Musnadi, S.E, M.Si
Bidang Ilmu : Manajemen Keuangan
Prof. Dr. Husni, S.H., M.Hum
Bidang Ilmu : Hukum Pemerintah Daerah
Dr. Marty Mawarpury, M.Psi.,Psikolog
Bidang Ilmu : Psikologi Klinis